The Full Story Of

God For The Nations ministries was founded by Frank Makho Ngwenya in 2013 in the USA. Mr. Shane Perry later joined and the ministry was formally registered in 2014 in Texas, USA.
God for the nations started their first gatherings by preaching in streets near taxi ranks in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. These intimate gatherings on street corners were the foundation of a global movement. This led to a 3 months revival that saw over 400 souls born again with the work of Evangelist Turker, Shane Perry, Michelle Smith from the USA and Frank playing a pivotal role in its success.

Under Pastor Frank's leadership, the church was launched, but the global travelling ministry outgrew the local church we planted. We ended up giving all those souls to local churches and focused full-time on travelling ministry.
2017 - 2021
Frank continued to travel all over the world through God For The Nations and he was taking over 20 international flights per year.
Frank was invited to speak in churches, seminars, and leadership and business conferences across the world.
God For The Nations continued hosting Pastors and leadership conferences around the world.

God For The Nations is registered as a ministry in Calgary AB, Canada, and looking forward to the next chapter.
10 years since the Lord whispered the vision for the ministry to Frank while in the USA. God For The Nations is celebrating its 10th year anniversary by launching its headquarters in Calgary Canada.
We are seeking to acquire and dedicate a new facility in Calgary to house the God For The Nations production studio with a capacity of between 150 to 300 seats.
This will serve as a production studio, worship and revival centre in Calgary Canada. It will be a place of prayer, gatherings and our data centre.
Ministry to be re-launched in Eastern Cape South Africa as well as Calgary Canada. The re-launch Conference will be in Canada and South Africa in 2023